
Ioc Dependency injection






  1. 解耦任务的执行和实现
  2. 模块更独立
  3. To free modules from assumptions about how other systems do what they do and instead rely on contracts. (不会译)
  4. 避免替换新的模块的时候出问题


  1. 使用工场模式
  2. 服务定位模式 (service locator pattern)
  3. 依赖注入
    • 构造方法注入
    • 参数注入
    • setter 注入
    • 接口注入
  4. 上下文查找 ( contextualized lookup ) 这种模式是通过在容器中查找对应服务 ``` public interface Orange { // methods }

public class AppleImpl implements Apple, DependencyProvision { private Orange orange; public void doDependencyLookup(DependencyProvider dp) throws DependencyLookupExcpetion{ this.orange = (Orange) dp.lookup(“Orange”); } // other methods }

5. 使用模板方法模式
6. 策略模式

## 依赖注入 (Dependency injection)

依赖注入主要用来解决模块或者服务之间过度耦合的问题(其实会带来一个额外的优点,容易测试),如果 AClient 依赖于BService ,那么可以通过一个外部容器(或者框架)来实例化B,并把它传递给A,而不是直接在A中new 一个B。这个模块原则把依赖项的创建和它自己的行为分离。依赖注入需要实现四个元素:

1. 服务(依赖)the implementation of a service object
2. 依赖于服务的客户端 the client object depending on the service;
3. 客户端和服务通信接口 the interface the client uses to communicate with the service;
4. 把服务注入客户端的容器。 the injector object, which is responsible for injecting the service into the client.


1. setter-based injection
2. interface-based injection 
3. constructor-based injection

一个典型的相互耦合的程序如下, Client 中直接初始化了 ServiceExample 。

// An example without dependency injection public class Client { // Internal reference to the service used by this client private Service service;

// Constructor
Client() {
    // Specify a specific implementation in the constructor instead of using dependency injection
    this.service = new ServiceExample();
// Method within this client that uses the services
public String greet() {
    return "Hello " + service.getName();
} } ```



// Constructor
Client(Service service) {
    // Save the reference to the passed-in service inside this client
    this.service = service;

使用 Setter 接口注入

// Setter method
public void setService(Service service) {
    // Save the reference to the passed-in service inside this client
    this.service = service;


// Service setter interface.
public interface ServiceSetter {
    public void setService(Service service);
// Client class
public class Client implements ServiceSetter {
    // Internal reference to the service used by this client.
    private Service service;
    // Set the service that this client is to use.
    public void setService(Service service) {
        this.service = service;
nTop 13 April 2015
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